Tuesday, September 6, 2011

two floors and a puddle

The walls are going up, but the rain and wind has been pelting the mountain over the past couple of days.

I got a call from Jim with Structures this morning - he told me there was a large tree across the road blocking access for our delivery truck.  While we were on the phone, he said the delivery truck had chained to the tree and was already pulling it out of the way - you gotta respect that kind of dedication; I just wish I had some photos of it.

Also, Jim mentioned that even though the roof isn't up everything is intact and the site is draining properly.

[A view from the driveway.]

[The garage will come later.]

[Mudroom, half bath, and closets.]

[Looking at the front door.]

[Kitchen and stairs to the left.]

[A wet guest bedroom upstairs.]

[Master bedroom; to be continued.]

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